Rhonda Showers

Jesus Follower.  Author. Connector. Coffee-Lover. 

I’m on a mission: 

  • To Build connection wherever it is needed.
  • To Invite others to safety in solitude with Jesus.
  • To Rekindle others’ sense of value and meaning.

  • To Incite others to GO DEEPER.



Get My New Book: The Slimy Pit Was Worth It!

No one on the planet escapes the clash between faith and harsh reality. Suffering results, even magnifies. As painful moments turn into days, weeks, sometimes years, God’s seeming inaction wounds and mystifies. 

Some press in more fervently for answers, while others give up from the weight of bearing sorrow upon sorrow. As a result, suffering people need practical application of the faith they cling to, not only to find breakthrough in their circumstances alone, but to mature into the person Christ desires them to be, for all eternity.

The purpose of this book is to awaken, in every soul, a Shift of Need… from comfort and the absence of sorrow, to the presence and leading of Jesus.


“Longing for clarity, we agonize with these questions daily, hoping comfort will dawn through their answers. The danger of the Slimy Pit lurks here. We feel ripped off. Cheated of the good life everyone else gets to keep living without us. Robbed of the peace our faith once provided. In misery, we begin counting our losses. Heavy damages stack up and cloud our vision. Bright futures fade and cynicism moves in.

When we begin to expect defeats instead of victories, we have arrived in the Slimy Pit.”

Excerpt  | The Slimy Pit Was Worth It

Buy now on Amazon!

“If we’re not careful, our journey with Christ can feel like a wilderness expedition, with no end in sight. Moments of discovery along the way, but still an uphill climb, with a constant fight for survival. Sometimes, this describes our current season well.

But this is not the seeking Jesus offers. He isn’t inviting us to blindly follow Him on a never-ending path of struggle for faith. He uses the analogy of the path to explain our walk out of darkness and into the light of salvation. However difficult, this path leads to life not to uncertainty.”

Excerpt  | The Slimy Pit Was Worth It

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How long O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?

– David, the fugitive (Psalm 13)


But I trust in your unfailing love; My heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, For he has been good to me.

– David, the fugitive (Psalm 13)